Hi everyone,

Welcome to the monthly news in lactation in Australia.

Make sure you keep your eyes open for our new book for parents and parents-to-be, Breastfeeding: a practical guide. This is the up-to-date replacement of our long serving book Breastfeeding…naturally. It will be a membership inclusion for all personal members as an eBook, and available for sale separately as a hard copy for $44.95.

Naomi Hull and Susan Tawia loved seeing everyone at the Australian College of Midwives conference in Adelaide earlier in the month! There was such a great turn out and we got to show off the new book in person. Many took the opportunity to snap up a copy. Next up for ABA is the Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand Conference in Melbourne at the end of October, which is shaping up to be a great event. ABA will have an exhibitor table and Susan is presenting on the consensus process that ABA led to develop best-practice guidelines for preventing and treating breast inflammation and mastitis.

Our next workshop will be delivered online on Saturday 7 October.  Register today for ‘Sleep & Settling: Coping with the challenges of becoming a breastfeeding mother’ by visiting www.breastfeeding.asn.au/workshops

During Down syndrome awareness month ABA is hosting a free webinar for expectant and new parents. It will include information about breastfeeding a baby with Down syndrome and provide participants with the opportunity to ask a mum who has been in their situation anything they want to know in the Q&A segment. Health professionals are also welcome to attend. The webinar will be on Wednesday 25th October 7pm (AEDT)  Register now

Mark your calendars – our Annual Health Professional Seminar Series is returning in 2024! Stay tuned as we reveal our line-up of expert speakers in the field of infant and maternal health – you won’t want to miss this one! Early bird registration for ‘Breastfeeding: nurturing, nutrition’ opens in November. For more information, click here.


Thank you for all your ongoing support,

Naomi Hull

Senior Manager Breastfeeding Information and Research


This is Naomi’s last monthly news update; ABA would like to acknowledge all the hard work she has done for our professional members and can’t wait to see her flourish in completing her PhD.