


Breastfeeding Resources for Health Professionals

Documents & promotional materials

ABA produces resources that are available free of charge to health services. These resources promote the Breastfeeding Helpline and other ABA services that support breastfeeding mothers and their families.


Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding: Getting started (0:06)

Chapter 1: Starting out (0:32)

Chapter 2: Getting closer (1:55)

Chapter 3: What to expect (3:55)

Chapter 4: Feeding cues (5:04)

Chapter 5: Making feeding comfortable for you and baby (6:03)

Baby-led attachment (6:52)

Mother-led attachment (7:39)

Chapter 6: How do I know if baby is getting enough? (10:58)

Hand expressing (12:02)

Reverse pressure softening (12:13)

Chapter 7: Help and encouragement (12:30)


COVID-19 vaccination guidance

Up to date information for breastfeeding mothers about compatability of the COVID-19 vaccine with breastfeeding. The guidance, in the form of an infographic, was launched by the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA), the New Zealand Breastfeeding Alliance (NZBA) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).

The International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes: frequently asked questions on the roles and responsibilities of health workers

This frequently asked questions (FAQ) document aims to provide health workers with information on their specific roles and responsibilities in protecting breastfeeding practices against the inappropriate promotion of breastmilk substitutes by manufacturers and distributors.

By |3 June 2020|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , , |
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