Hello and I hope 2025 has started well for you all.

Wanna Join?

This month I want to talk to you about professional membership with ABA. You may be one of our 500 or so people who are already an ABA professional member. Our survey of professional members last year found that our members are highly satisfied with the membership package we offer. I want to try and persuade our ABA subscribers, who are also reading this,  to take the leap in 2025 towards membership.

Prevent FOMO

You are all right now reading (or skimming) this eNewsletter that lands in your inbox each month, but as a member you should know that you get some pretty special extras with every edition: a feature article that is lactation-focused and relevant to your practice. And not just that. With membership you get access to every feature article from every newsletter ever.

Similarly, as a member you will access brief and compelling breastfeeding-related research summaries in every edition of Professional Express. BUT ALSO – you guessed it. You can access our Whole Collection of research summaries. It’s awesome and I scrolled back to 2023 but I’m not sure how many there actually are. You also have access to the latest reviewed ABA Fact Sheets every month.


Your membership gifts you a free eModule – Structure and Function of the Breast and 20% off four further eModules of your choice. There are many, many titles to choose from. You can also do some free ones while you’re there.You not only receive every issue of ABA’s peer-reviewed journal Breastfeeding Review (hard copy if you choose) … you guessed it, you can also access every edition of the journal going back to last century.

And more – Yes. MORE. You will also receive every edition of ABA’s quarterly magazine for parents – Essence (hard copy if you choose).

Members also receive discounts for ABA events. Like the annual Health ABA Professional Seminar Series and HP workshops.

As a member you have access to the ABA Brains Trust. Our Learning and Innovation team are actually LIT! Your specialised questions about breastfeeding can be answered and more information provided by using our online contact form.

And the big finish

All ABA Professional Members receive 10% off everything in our Marketplace. Have a look HERE for booklets on specific topics, curated health professional resource bundles and our comprehensive textbook, Breastfeeding Management. There are many great resources for you to share with mothers and families in your care.

So thanks for coming to my TED talk about ABA Health Professional membership.

Make 2025 your year for finding new skills and resources for supporting breastfeeding mothers and families. We would love to welcome you as a professional member soon.


Warm regards

Jen Hocking