Summaries of Significant New Research
The Latest Research section includes summaries written by the Breastfeeding Information and Research team of recent significant research. The summaries will help you get a clear snapshot of the study’s results and conclusions.
Alison Stacey MBBS FRACGP IBCLC, Liz McGuire BSc IBCLC, Bernadette Gifford BAppSci(ClinSci) BOsteoSci
“It makes my skin crawl”: Women’s experience of breastfeeding aversion response (BAR)
Morns, M. A., Steel, A. E., McIntyre, E., & Burns, [...]
The impact of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics during pregnancy or lactation on the intestinal microbiota of children born by cesarean section: A systematic review
Martín-Peláez, S., Cano-Ibáñez, N., Pinto-Gallardo, M., & Amezcua-Prieto, C. (2022). [...]
The rates and factors of perceived insufficient milk supply: A systematic review
Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Yu, X. Y., & Zeng, T. [...]
Early versus delayed introduction of human milk fortification in enterally fed preterm infants: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Hilditch, C., Keir, A., Collins, C. T., Middleton, P., & [...]
Longitudinal human milk miRNA composition over the first 3 months of lactation in a cohort of healthy mothers delivering term infants
Raymond, F., Lefebvre, G., Texari, L., Pruvost, S., Metairon, S., [...]
Impact of bariatric surgery on breastfeeding: a systematic review AND Comment on: The impact of bariatric surgery on breastfeeding: a systematic review
Adsit, J., & Hewlings, S. J. (2022). Impact of bariatric [...]