Research Summaries

Research Summaries

Research Summaries2024-05-30T14:05:22+10:00

Summaries of Significant New Research

The Latest Research section includes summaries written by the Breastfeeding Information and Research team of recent significant research. The summaries will help you get a clear snapshot of the study’s results and conclusions.


Alison Stacey MBBS FRACGP IBCLC, Liz McGuire BSc IBCLC, Bernadette Gifford BAppSci(ClinSci) BOsteoSci

The impact of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics during pregnancy or lactation on the intestinal microbiota of children born by cesarean section: A systematic review

Martín-Peláez, S., Cano-Ibáñez, N., Pinto-Gallardo, M., & Amezcua-Prieto, C. (2022). [...]

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