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News and Current Events2022-07-04T13:36:35+10:00

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News that is here to help

Australian Bushfires Royal Commission 2020

By |30 April 2020|Categories: News|Tags: |

A Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements is being held as a review of the management of the bushfire emergency over the last summer. ABA has submitted feedback regarding planning and preparation around the care of infants and young children in emergencies.

Australian Bushfires Royal Commission 2020

By |30 April 2020|Categories: News|Tags: |

A Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements is being held as a review of the management of the bushfire emergency over the last summer. ABA has submitted feedback regarding planning and preparation around the care of infants and young children in emergencies.

Nipple Shields

By |28 April 2020|Categories: Factsheets|Tags: , , |

Nipple shields come in different sizes. It is important for them to be fitted to suit the size of individual mothers’ nipples, otherwise milk flow can be impeded and they can cause nipple damage. Nipple shields must be put on the breast correctly to optimise milk removal and comfort. It is therefore important to observe a breastfeed when a mother begins using a nipple shield to ensure the infant is able to remove milk well and the mother’s comfort is maintained.  In most cases, use of a nipple shield is temporary. Some mothers find they only need to use the nipple shield in the early days while their infant is learning to breastfeed.

ABA Professional News – April 2020

By |27 April 2020|Categories: Monthly News|Tags: , , , , , , |

I hope you are all travelling reasonably well in this time of pandemic. It’s a brave new world of social distancing, working from home, telehealth and school at home among usual our usual roles and expectations. For some it will be a mere blip and for others extremely challenging.

Assessing newborn intake in the context of COVID-19

By |26 April 2020|Categories: Resources|Tags: , |

Physical distancing measures are limiting opportunities to weigh babies. This short video outlines ways to assess infant intake without weighing. Using these techniques will allow those working with mothers and babies to provide an assessment utilising telehealth and flag the mothers and babies that need face to face contact.

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