Partner behaviours improving breastfeeding outcomes: An integrative review

This integrative review used a Population-Interest-Context framework-based search strategy to synthesise current knowledge about what specific behaviours of a breastfeeding woman’s partner increase breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity and duration rates in Western-culture settings.

Partner behaviours improving breastfeeding outcomes: An integrative review2021-04-05T14:21:28+10:00

Breastfeeding in the Community-How Can Partners/Fathers Help? A Systematic Review.

Previous research has shown that family members can influence infant feeding decisions. A supportive partner can improve breastfeeding outcomes. The authors of this paper performed a systematic literature review to determine which particular methods of support have been found effective.

Breastfeeding in the Community-How Can Partners/Fathers Help? A Systematic Review.2021-04-05T14:25:40+10:00
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