Nipple Shields

Nipple shields come in different sizes. It is important for them to be fitted to suit the size of individual mothers’ nipples, otherwise milk flow can be impeded and they can cause nipple damage. Nipple shields must be put on the breast correctly to optimise milk removal and comfort. It is therefore important to observe a breastfeed when a mother begins using a nipple shield to ensure the infant is able to remove milk well and the mother’s comfort is maintained.  In most cases, use of a nipple shield is temporary. Some mothers find they only need to use the nipple shield in the early days while their infant is learning to breastfeed.

Nipple Shields2021-04-05T14:15:38+10:00

Nipple Shield use — where are we up to in 2019? Dr Kate Naylor MBBS (Monash), FRACGP, IBCLC, Cert IV Breastfeeding Education

There is reference to mothers using nipple shields as far back as 1550. The original nipple shields were made of bone, cow skin, pewter, glass or tin. These early shields were conically shaped with several holes in the tip; they provided a physical barrier between the mother’s breast and the baby’s mouth, therefore decreasing pain with latching. By the 1850s they were made of rubber and, in the 1950s, they were made of latex (Powers, 2012).

Nipple Shield use — where are we up to in 2019? Dr Kate Naylor MBBS (Monash), FRACGP, IBCLC, Cert IV Breastfeeding Education2021-04-05T14:30:31+10:00
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