Summaries of Significant New Research
The Latest Research section includes summaries written by the Breastfeeding Information and Research team of recent significant research. The summaries will help you get a clear snapshot of the study’s results and conclusions.
Alison Stacey MBBS FRACGP IBCLC, Liz McGuire BSc IBCLC, Bernadette Gifford BAppSci(ClinSci) BOsteoSci
Breast milk vs 24% sucrose for procedural pain relief in preterm neonates: A non-inferiority randomized controlled trial
Velumula, P. K., Elbakoush, F., Tabb, C., 2nd, Farooqi, A., [...]
Measures of maternal metabolic health as predictors of severely low milk production
Nommsen-Rivers, L. A., Wagner, E. A., Roznowski, D. M., Riddle, [...]
The association between intrapartum interventions and immediate and ongoing breastfeeding outcomes: An Australian retrospective population-based cohort study
Andrew, M. S., Selvaratnam, R. J., Davies-Tuck, M., Howland, K., [...]
Literature review of mothers diagnosed with COVID-19 and the impact on breastfeeding their newborns
Warner, S. A., & Arevalo, J. L. (2022). Literature review [...]
Factors associated with exclusive direct breastfeeding in the first 3 months
Wood, N. K., Odom-Maryon, T., & Smart, D. A. (2022). [...]
Experiences of young Australian mothers with infant feeding
Buckland, C., Hector, D., Kolt, G. S., Thepsourinthone, J., & [...]