Summaries of Significant New Research
The Latest Research section includes summaries written by the Breastfeeding Information and Research team of recent significant research. The summaries will help you get a clear snapshot of the study’s results and conclusions.
Alison Stacey MBBS FRACGP IBCLC, Liz McGuire BSc IBCLC, Bernadette Gifford BAppSci(ClinSci) BOsteoSci
The effect of skin-to-skin contact on placental separation time and initiation of breastfeeding.
Gündüz, Ü., & Öztürk, S. (2023). Breastfeeding Medicine, 18(7), 522–527. [...]
Does human milk composition predict later risk of obesity? A systematic review.
Vieira Queiroz De Paula, M., Grant, M., Lanigan, J., & [...]
The association of breast feeding for at least six months with hemodynamic and metabolic health of women and their children aged three years: An observational cohort study.
Pathirana, M. M., Andraweera, P. H., Aldridge, E., Harrison, M., [...]
Effectiveness of breastfeeding educational interventions to improve breastfeeding knowledge, attitudes, and skills among nursing, midwifery, and medical students: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Sandhi, A., Nguyen, C. T. T., Lin-Lewry, M., Lee, G. [...]
Midwife-led continuity of antenatal care and breastfeeding duration beyond postpartum hospital discharge: A systematic review
Shipton, E. V., Callaway, L., Foxcroft, K., Lee, N., & [...]
Is proactive telephone-based breastfeeding peer support a cost-effective intervention? A within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis of the ‘Ringing Up about Breastfeeding earlY’ (RUBY) randomised controlled trial
McLardie-Hore, F. E., Forster, D. A., McLachlan, H. L., Shafiei, [...]