Previous Winners
Mary Paton Research Award 2007 – Dr Karleen Gribble
Dr Gribble's paper explores the experiences of 107 Australian women who were breastfeeding a child two years or older, 87% of whom had not originally intended to breastfeed long-term, with many who had initially felt disgust for breastfeeding beyond infancy. Mothers changed their opinion about long-term breastfeeding as they saw their child enjoy breastfeeding, as their knowledge about breastfeeding increased and as they were exposed to long-term breastfeeding role models. Access Dr Gribble's paper here
Mary Paton Research Award 2005 – Dr Linda Sweet
Linda's paper explores the objectification (or in other words externalising) of breastmilk, which results from long-term breast expression by parents of hospitalised very low birth weight preterm infants. Whilst there is a range of reasons women have given for ceasing breastfeeding for preterm infants, this study aimed to increase knowledge and understanding of how parents experience breastfeeding, to assist nurses and other health care professionals to improve the clinical care received by families, and to improve the preterm breastfeeding experience. Access Dr Sweet's paper here
Mary Paton Research Award 2003 – Ruth Cantrill, Debra Creedy and Marie Cooke
Midwives' knowledge of newborn feeding ability and reported practice managing the first breastfeed The authors are from Queensland and work for Griffith University. The paper related to successful breastfeeding relationships being established between mothers and babies when there is no interference with the skin to skin contact between them after birth. Access the paper here
Mary Paton Research Award 2000 – Catherine Fetherston
Mastitis is a significant problem amongst lactating women yet there remains a paucity of scientific research into the anatomical, physiological and pathological determinants for mastitis. There is also scant knowledge regarding the physiological changes occurring within the breast as a result of mastitis. This paper examines the available research and current clinical and scientific opinion concerning the breast's response to inflammation and infection and the numerous influences that may impact upon the development of mastitis. In particular, the difficulties associated with differentiating between infective and non-infective mastitis are discussed. Access Catherine's paper here
Mary Paton Research Award 1988 – Michelle Wolinski
Adolescent view on Breastfeeding: a description survey. Access Michelle's paper here
Mary Paton Research Award 1987 – I.Soo
Psychosomatic Factors in the Choice of Infant Feeding - A Pilot Study