Did you know that in Australia there is currently no emergency planning specific to caregivers and young babies? During emergencies, there can be loss of access to power and water along with evacuation to centres with limited facilities. Breastfeeding mums need support to continue breastfeeding, and those not feeding at the breast require clean water and equipment to prepare feeds to enable safe feeding to continue. New parents and infants are vulnerable in emergencies.
Along with nearly 40 other Australian organisations, the Australian Breastfeeding Association is standing with World Breastfeeding Trends Australia
to urge the Federal Government to protect the health and wellbeing of babies in future emergencies by:
  • Designating the Australian Government Department of Health to be responsible for providing advice and support to the states and territories.
  • Establishing and funding a national advisory committee on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E).
  • Commissioning the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience to develop an Emergency Handbook on children.
  • Including detailed advice for health workers on how to support mothers and other caregivers of infants in emergency preparedness.