news and current events

Australian Bushfires Royal Commission 2020

A Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements is being held as a review of the management of the bushfire emergency over the last summer. ABA has submitted feedback regarding planning and preparation around the care of infants and young children in emergencies.

Australian Bushfires Royal Commission 20202020-04-30T12:10:20+10:00

COVID-19. Breastfeeding Information and Research Team, Australian Breastfeeding Association

COVID-19 is a corona virus, with much still to be learned about its transmission. Breastfeeding and breastmilk are well-known to be protective against a wide range of viruses1 and health professionals can confidently reassure breastfeeding mothers that they can continue to breastfeed.

COVID-19. Breastfeeding Information and Research Team, Australian Breastfeeding Association2021-04-05T14:26:07+10:00
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